SZŐKE Etelka and Attila (Hungary)

Reformed pastor, family and couple therapist, Associate of the Gyökössy Pastoral Care and Supervision Service; Attila Szőke: Reformed pastor, family specialist caregiver

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Lecture and abstract of the conference entitled:
Demography and the Culture of Relationship between Couples
27-29 May 2021, Hungary
Organized by Family Science Alliance, Batthyány Society of Professors and European Family Science Society


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When choosing the title of our presentation we would like to refer to our goal: we present the relationship between two disciplines, psychology and theology, through attachment theory. More narrowly, we argue for the relevance of the value statements of Christian thinking since the recent results of science of couple relationship support the validity of the messages of Scripture with a millennial history. Nowadays, philosophical/religious statements within the realm of ideas are usually denied in case of human subjects. Yet, psychology coming from the ground of realities brings more and more data on the truthfulness of theonomic statements. Just as the Bible speaks of happiness, prosperity, and love in relation to our couple relationships, it is quite similar to the “ideas” of mental health. For example, regarding adult couple partnerships, those who are securely bound are most able to live in a life-long, satisfying marriage where the healthy spiritual development of the children is also expected. Theology discusses this endowment among the “orders of creation,” the relationship of man and woman that has deep involvement, concluding suffering and sacrifice as well. The lifestyle of marriage is unavoidable, irreplaceable, as explained in the language of psychology: it is also a neural “wired” bond in our brain. As an outlook it can be formulated that after the exhaustion of the half-century-long postmodern, it would be good to find a comprehensive metanarrative on the way of human social existence, including the theory of existence and science.

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